FTC slams Rite Aid for misuse of facial recognition technology in stores The Washington Post | Makemetechie.com Summary

Image for article FTC slams Rite Aid for misuse of facial recognition technology in stores  The Washington Post | Makemetechie.com Summary

News Summary

  • When the system detected a match, it would flag store employees to closely watch the shopper.But the database included low-resolution images taken from grainy surveillance cameras and cellphones, undermining the quality of the matches, the FTC said..
  • Though roughly 80 percent of Rite Aid’s stores are in “plurality-White” areas, the FTC found that most of the stores that used the facial recognition program were located in “plurality non-White areas.”The false accusations led many shoppers to feel as if they had been racially profiled..
  • Those firms were not identified.The FTC said huge errors were commonplace..
Comment on this storyCommentAdd to your saved storiesSaveThe pharmacy chain Rite Aid misused facial recognition technology in a way that subjected shoppers to unfair searches and humiliation, [+6168 chars]

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