You Guys Need a Secretary Don Henley Fumes and Confesses at Eagles StolenLyrics Trial Rolling Stone

Image for article You Guys Need a Secretary Don Henley Fumes and Confesses at Eagles StolenLyrics Trial  Rolling Stone
News Source : Rolling Stone

News Summary

  • Don Henley was a witness in a trial involving allegedly stolen lyrics to Eagles songs
  • Three men are accused of conspiring to sell those allegedly stolen lyric notepads
  • The defendants have pleaded not guilty and have maintained they had no idea the pads were purloined
  • The prosecution contends the men concocted stories about the provenance of the pads
Seated at a witness stand in Manhattan court on Monday, Don Henley was doing his best to contain himself and what he was feeling. But every so often, the boldfacename witness in a trial involving al [+9331 chars]

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