Disney Execs Knew About Egregious Conduct By ExDistribution VP & Did Nothing, Sexual Assault Suit Claims Deadline

Image for article Disney Execs Knew About Egregious Conduct By ExDistribution VP & Did Nothing, Sexual Assault Suit Claims  Deadline
News Source : Deadline

News Summary

  • Women were discouraged to come forward about his behaviors because management seemingly accepted Gonzales conduct as being part of the entertainment industry and his firing would hurt the company financially.” It doesn’t sound like there were too many consequences for Gonzales when his alleged misconduct became impossible to ignore..
  • Getting explicit at times, the suit (read the sexual assault suit against Disney and Gonzales here) lists nights, days and years of “aggressive” touching from almost the start of her time at Fox as an executive assistant..
  • “Many employees, including those in management, were aware of his sexually harassing behaviors to women within the company and to others in the industry,” Jane Doe’s suit from the Wilshiore Blvd-based Law Form Of Lien M. Nguyen declares..
  • “On information and belief, at least three other women came forward to report Gonzales for sexual harassment.” Still, Gonzales exited Disney, or “retired” according to the complaint, in November 2022 with apparently not even a slap on the wrist..
  • “Plaintiff was not Gonzales’s first victim nor his last,” states the filing under California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act, which permits civil lawsuits on claims that otherwise would be time-barred by the statute of limitations..
  • Detailing lurid alleged conduct by former executive Gonzales, the complaint spawns the one-time “supervisory level” employees almost entire duration at the now merged companies from 2014 onwards..
By 2022, many people in management were aware of Gonzaless egregious conduct and what he did to Plaintiff, alleges a sexual assault suit filed yesterday by a current Disney employee against the Mo [+4998 chars]

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