WWE Raw Day 1 2024 Results Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights Bleacher Report

Image for article WWE Raw Day 1 2024 Results Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights  Bleacher Report
News Source : Bleacher Report

News Summary

  • As The Man looked like she was gearing up for a win, Jax hit an uppercut out of nowhere before hitting her finisher for the win.Even with a few sloppy moments, this match was fun and another good example of how Jax has improved since returning to WWE..
  • They have been building to this match for weeks, so this felt more like a PPV bout than a standard Raw main event.The Scottish Warrior came out of the gate hot and immediately took control..
  • Everyone knows how good these two are, so nobody is going to be surprised to find out they worked well together.Both men came close to winning several times with some of the biggest moves, but they both seemed to avoid every attempt at a Stomp or Claymore..
  • The Queen of Spades brought her MMA experience to the match, and Stark brought her power and agility.Shortly after the bell rang, the show cut to a break, so a large portion of this bout was fought during the commercial in picture-in-picture..
  • Other than the last sentence, this whole thing was a paint-by-numbers Rock promo, but that is what WWE wanted and it's what works, so it's hard to be mad at it.Grade: BNotable Moments and ObservationsThe women's tag team division had two segments this week..
  • Here is a look at what WWE advertised heading into the show:Let's take a look at everything that happened on the first Raw of 2024.Raw opened a little differently this week with Wade Barrett and Michael Cole giving us and the live crowd a rundown of the card..
The main event of the New Years Day edition of WWE Raw was the world title match between McIntyre and Rollins. They have been building to this match for weeks, so this felt more like a PPV bout than [+1563 chars]

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