Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah says employees need to work longer hours and blend work and life New York Post | Makemetechie.com Summary

Image for article Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah says employees need to work longer hours and blend work and life  New York Post  | Makemetechie.com Summary

News Summary

  • “I believe that most of us, being ambitious individuals, find fulfillment in the joy of seeing our efforts materialize into tangible results.“Working long hours, being responsive, blending work and life, is not anything to shy away from,” he continued..
  • That year, Wayfair laid off 5% of its employees.Shah’s email this month, however, said that the company is back in the green.“Together we can win much faster than we are winning now if we all row in this direction together,” he wrote..
  • Wayfair had around 15,000 employees as of December 2022, according to its most recent filing cited by CNN.Shah’s missive drew backlash from economic professor Nicolas Bloom..
  • But profits faltered in 2022 as stores reopened nationwide, according to CNN..
  • “Let’s be aggressive, pragmatic, frugal, agile, customer-oriented, and smart.”.
  • Thanks for contacting us..
While many executives use this time of year to thank employees for their hard work and dedication, one told his they should not shy away from working longer hours and blending work and life now t [+1980 chars]

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