Stephen Fry Knighted, Carey Mulligan and Sarah Lancashire Made Commanders of British Empire in U.K. New Year Honors List

Image for article Stephen Fry Knighted, Carey Mulligan and Sarah Lancashire Made Commanders of British Empire in U.K. New Year Honors List
News Source : Variety

News Summary

  • Stephen Fry was knighted in the U
  • K
  • ’s annual New Year Honors list
  • Carey Mulligan and Sarah Lancashire have been named commanders of the British Empire
  • Labour MP Emily Thornberry was named a dame, as was theater star Carmen Munroe
Stephen Fry has been knighted in the U.K.s annual New Year Honors list, while Carey Mulligan and Sarah Lancashire have been named commanders of the British Empire.Each year, the reigning monarch [+1618 chars]

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