Horoscope for Saturday, July 6, 2024 Chicago SunTimes

Image for article Horoscope for Saturday, July 6, 2024  Chicago SunTimes
News Source : Suntimes.com

News Summary

  • You’re energetic, optimistic, vibrant and enthusiastic
  • You dedicate yourself passionately to whatever you embrace
  • This is a fun-loving, playful year! Socialize with others and explore your creative talents
  • Let your guard down and loosen up a bit! Old friends might reappear in your world
Moon AlertAvoid shopping and important decisions from 1015 to 11 p.m. Chicago time. After that, the moon moves from Cancer into Leo.Aries (March 21April 19)You might see how to redecorate whe [+3862 chars]

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