Your lookahead horoscope June 30, 2024 The Globe and Mail

Image for article Your lookahead horoscope June 30, 2024  The Globe and Mail
News Source : The Globe And Mail

News Summary

  • The planets warn there is a real possibility that you could overlook something of major significance
  • If you are not entirely sure about the best direction to take over the next few days then it might be wise to get an expert to help you
  • Mercury, your ruler, is linked with Uranus, planet of genius, your insights won’t just be good, they will be amazing
Open this photo in galleryCancer.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYDecide what it is you want from life then go after it with every fibre of your being. Too often in [+3500 chars]

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