Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2 Penelope and Colins sex scenes, reviewed. Slate

Image for article Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2 Penelope and Colins sex scenes, reviewed.  Slate
News Source : Slate Magazine

News Summary

  • Sex Reviews offers a sober critical assessment of the sex scenes in new films and television series
  • This installment contains spoilers for Bridgerton Season 3
  • The sex scenes on Season 3 clear BridGerton’s very high bar
  • The euphemized context surrounding Colin’S return from Europe is that he has been fucking his way across the Mediterranean
In Sex Reviews, writers offer a sober critical assessment of the sex scenes in new films and television series. This installment contains spoilers for Bridgerton Season 3.When Bridgertons first sea [+13397 chars]

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