Your lookahead horoscope for the week April 7, 2024 The Globe and Mail

Image for article Your lookahead horoscope for the week April 7, 2024  The Globe and Mail
News Source : The Globe And Mail

News Summary

  • Monday’s solar eclipse in your sign means you are now at a crossroads as far as mapping out your future is concerned
  • Identify your priorities, draw up your plans, commit to seeing them through to completion, then give 100 per cent
  • If you get the chance to take on more responsibility don’t hesitate – show the world you’ve got the right stuff
Open this photo in galleryAries.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYYou wont get everything your own way over the coming year but on balance you will be a winner more o [+3721 chars]

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