New Wave of Accusations Ignites MeToo Reckoning in France Women Are Fed Up. The Anger Is Enormous Variety

Image for article New Wave of Accusations Ignites MeToo Reckoning in France Women Are Fed Up. The Anger Is Enormous  Variety
News Source : Variety

News Summary

  • France's film industry is undergoing a new MeToo reckoning
  • The subject will likely be prominent at Friday’s Cesar Awards ceremony
  • Actor Judith Godrèche is expected to make a speech on the issue
  • The new reckoning really kicked off in early December with the airing of an investigative documentary
Frances film industry is undergoing a new MeToo reckoning, dominating news cycles, policy debates and even the goodie bag of the Cesar Awards nominees dinner, which included a flyer headlined, The [+7440 chars]

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