Why Reba McEntires Super Bowl national anthem made us miss Whitney Houston on the 12th anniversary of her death New York Post

Image for article Why Reba McEntires Super Bowl national anthem made us miss Whitney Houston on the 12th anniversary of her death  New York Post
News Source : New York Post

News Summary

  • Reba McEntire sang the Star-Spangled Banner on the 12th anniversary of Whitney Houston's death
  • John Sutter: No one has ever owned and transformed the national anthem the way that Whitney did when she sang it on Feb
  • 12, 1991
  • Andra Day channeled some of the gospel and jazz vibes of Houston’s national anthem for the ages
There are so many times that I just like many others around the world miss Whitney Houston.Every time I hear someone on American Idol or The Voice attempt the impossible by singing one of her [+2283 chars]

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