Whats It Like to Use an iPhone With a Physical Keyboard? I Got a Chance to Find Out CNET

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News Summary

  • The physical keyboard is laid out differently from your iPhone's digital keyboard, mainly because of Clicks' wider bottom row, which adds a command key, tab key and symbols key.On the iPhone 15 Pro model I demoed, the physical keyboard was smaller than your phone's digital keyboard..
  • No spelunking in your Settings to update keyboard preferences; the change takes effect immediately as soon as you plug the case in.I thought adding a case big enough for a keyboard would add a lot of weight, but the Clicks case was lighter than I expected..
  • The extra screen space while typing is a dream, the case was surprisingly light, and I acclimated to the additional keyboard shortcuts quickly.The most immediate and obvious benefit to the Clicks case is the change in screen size when typing..
  • But as far as first impressions go, this case might be a good fit for iPhone Pro users seeking a physical keyboard experience.A close up of the back of the Clicks phone case..
  • Some people may find the extra length clunky and opt to shed the case for everyday activities, such as taking a phone call without earbuds.It was surprisingly easy to slip the Clicks iPhone case onto my phone, even though the USB-C port juts out at the bottom..
  • A startup company with a new iPhone case called Clicks is hoping to change all that.Two popular YouTubers have debuted an iPhone case at CES 2024 that adds a physical keyboard with real buttons to the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max..
When the original iPhone launched, back in 2007, it marked a firm rejection of button heavy hardware like BlackBerrys and Palm Treos, and the overwhelming success of its onscreen keyboard virtually b [+6922 chars]

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