Horoscope for Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024 Chicago SunTimes

Image for article Horoscope for Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024  Chicago SunTimes
News Source : Suntimes.com

News Summary

  • This puts you in a good position if you have to discuss how to divide or share something or deal with shared property.You might do something different because you want to learn or explore new ideas or meet people from different backgrounds..
  • People in authority will favor you; plus, you will work hard to get the results from others that you want.Today you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others because the moon is opposite your sign..
  • Enjoy meeting new people and seeing new places because with the sun, Mercury and Mars in your sign, you have energy to burn!You might be concerned with financial matters today, including shopping..
  • You also might make travel plans with others because you feel adventurous.You’re high visibility, which means people notice you more than usual..
  • Romance is in the air!Although many want to relax, you will actually be productive because you’re in the mood to work (and you would like others to help you as well)..
  • Preferably, let them come to you.This is a good day for discussions about shared property, inheritances or anything to do with your involvement with the resources of someone else..
Moon AlertThere are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Pisces.Aries (March 21April 19)This is a pleasant day because it offers you the option of doing what you [+3710 chars]

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