Flurry of firmware updates makes Analogue Pocket an even better retro handheld Ars Technica

Image for article Flurry of firmware updates makes Analogue Pocket an even better retro handheld  Ars Technica
News Source : Ars Technica

News Summary

  • Firmware version 1.2 fixes numerous issues with sleep/wake and save states for various games, allows FPGA cores to use cartridge adapters, and lets FPGA cores know when the Pocket is in a dock; when docked, it also adds support for additional controllers and fixes issues with others..
  • This allows the FPGA chip inside of the pocket to emulate the hardware of other systems, in addition to the portable systems the Pocket supports natively.But aside from finalizing and releasing that 1.1 firmware, 2023 was mostly quiet for Pocket firmware updates..
  • These updates delivered a combination of fixes and long-promised features to the handheld, which Analogue has been re-releasing in different color palettes now that the original versions are more consistently in stock.The most significant update for OpenFPGA fans is the ability to use display filters with third-party FPGA cores..
  • I've seen lots of bad, unconvincing scanline filters in retro game re-releases, and this isn't one of them.The basic Trinitron filter is available by default for "suitable" cores, which in our testing tends to mean "home consoles that were meant to be connected to a CRT TV.".
  • Since its release, Analogue has added some new capabilities via firmware updates, most notably when it added support for emulating more consoles via its OpenFPGA platform in the summer of 2022..
  • By default, most FPGA cores now get access to a similarly high-quality CRT screen filter named after the Sony Trinitron TV, adding a touch of retro-blurriness to the sharp edges of 8- and 16-bit games..
Enlarge/ An Analogue Pocket running Super Mario World on an openFPGA core with the scanline filter enabled.18Weve got a soft spot for the Analogue Pocket, the premium portable game console that [+4563 chars]

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