Horoscope for Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023 Chicago SunTimes | Makemetechie.com Summary

Image for article Horoscope for Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023  Chicago SunTimes | Makemetechie.com Summary

News Summary

  • After that, the moon moves from Gemini into Cancer.Tread carefully because tension with parents and family members might arise due to today’s full moon, which is taking place in the very part of your chart that deals with home and family..
  • Something from behind the scenes will soften things.The moon is your ruler, and today the second full moon in your sign this year is taking place..
  • Take it easy and relax if you can because today’s full moon not only can create tension with others, but it might also aggravate your health..
  • Meanwhile, relations with coworkers and groups are excellent.The full moon is opposite your sign today, which will create tension with spouses, partners and dear friends..
  • )Relations with friends and groups might be a bit testy today because of the full moon energy..
  • Lucky you.Financial matters might come to a head today because of the full moon; or possibly, disputes about a loan, who owns what, or who is responsible for what..
Moon AlertAvoid shopping or important decisions before 930 a.m. Chicago time. After that, the moon moves from Gemini into Cancer.Aries (March 21April 19)Tread carefully because tension with p [+3765 chars]

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