Your lookahead horoscope December 24, 2023 The Globe and Mail | Summary

Image for article Your lookahead horoscope December 24, 2023  The Globe and Mail | Summary

News Summary

  • That is more likely to be true if you join with like-minded people to make good things happen.Good news will come your way this week but as mind planet Mercury is moving retrograde you must make sure that what you are told stands up to scrutiny..
  • It may be an unpopular position to hold but it is clearly backed up by the facts.What you choose to do over the coming week will be so far out in left field that even your closest friends may think you have lost your mind..
  • Some of their ideas may seem a bit way out to your way of thinking but if you are smart you will listen and learn.What happens over the next few days will ease your fears about your money situation..
  • Maybe the universe is trying, in its own subtle way, to shift your thinking in a more positive direction.Someone you meet on your travels this week is likely to become a firm friend and an influential figure in your life..
  • Just because a friend was correct in the past does not mean they must be correct now as well.Pay attention to what a friend or work colleague tells you over the next few days and don’t reject it as nonsense just because it isn’t the majority viewpoint..
  • It should help that you are such a good judge of character.There are a lot of positive signals coming your way now, so put the overly suspicious side of your nature on hold and act as if you cannot fail..
Open this photo in galleryCapricorniStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYHow many of your dreams never got off the ground? Probably a lot, but instead of lamenting what [+3454 chars]

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