Getting started with Sublime text editor

Sublime Text Editor is a free, lightweight and one of the most used software for development purpose. It's available for MAC, windows and Linux. One of the factors that make sublime so powerful is its ability to download plugins, which are very simple and effective. Moreover, these plugins will help you to boast your productivity and efficiency.
Within this tutorial we will
- help you install sublime text on you system via installer (Windows and Linux
- install sublime text editor using command line
- features offered by sublime text editor
Prerequisite Required
- Windows 7/8/10 or mac OS or Ubuntu
- Enough memory and space to download 15MB software
Installing Sublime text editor via installer
Sublime text editor is available here. You can get the installer for Mac, windows and linux here. Many new features have been added for sublime text editor 3 over its previous version like syntex highlighting, new added themes, improved symbol handling and many more.
Simply click on the link and you installer will begin. Once downloaded the software will notify you that the software has been downloaded.
Installing sublime via command line
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
This command will get you sublime software on ubuntu via command link. To open sublime use
Install sublime manually via terminal
For 32 bit
tar vxjf Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.2.tar.bz2</code>
For 64 bit
tar vxjf Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.2\ x64.tar.bz2
Features offered by sublime text editor
There are many interesting features offered by sublime, however I am going to write my favourite 5 here:
Customizing Everything : Every details of sublime ranging from menu to macros to snipets to everything is stored in JSON files and is easily customizable. You can change them accoring to project as per you wishes.
Goto Anything :Incase you want to go to a line number of a file or to search within a file, sublime has it all covered for you. Simple press CTRL + P and type # to search within a file or : to go a particular line number.
Powerful API and package ecosystem : Sublime text has a very powerful package controller that gives access to thousands of ready to use plugins.You can add a new theme or install python or use autocomplete or even install anaconda on sublime, these are just to name a few. Using package controller wisely will give you access to many new functionality.
Cross Platform : Sublime text is available for Mac, Windows and linux. It also takes advantage of native performance of operating system.
Split Editing : Sublime text offers split editing, which means we open two files side by side and edit them or we can even edit multiple locations on the same file at once. You can do it by going to VIEW > LAYOUT menu for editing options.
That's all for now! We did get an introduction to sublime, what all features it has to offer and how to install sublime text editor on windows, mac or linux. Within the next tutorials we will be having a look at how to install plugins and how to install python on sublime.
In case of any doubts you can reach me out at [email protected], you'll get a follow up within the next 24 hours regarding the same.
wget\ Text\ 2.0.2.tar.bz2
wget\ Text\ 2.0.2\ x64.tar.bz2