Hitesh Lath Sells 601 Shares of C3.ai, Inc. (NYSEAI) Stock

News Source : ETF Daily News
News Summary
- C3
- ai, Inc
- (NYSE:AI) CFO Hitesh Lath sold 601 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, January 2nd
- The shares were sold at an average price of $35
- 00, for a total transaction of $21,035
- 00
- Following the sale, the chief financial officer now owns 250 shares in the company, valued at $8,750
C3.ai, Inc. (NYSEAI Get Free Report) CFO Hitesh Lath sold 601 shares of the companys stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, January 2nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $35 [+4179 chars]