North Korean hackers have stolen billions in crypto by posing as VCs, recruiters and IT workers | TechCrunch

Image for article North Korean hackers have stolen billions in crypto by posing as VCs, recruiters and IT workers | TechCrunch
News Source : TechCrunch

News Summary

  • North Korean hackers pose as prospective employees seeking work at multinational corporations, with the aim of earning money for the North Korean regime
  • These imposters have raked in billions of dollars in stolen cryptocurrency over the past decade to fund the country’s nuclear weapons program
  • Microsoft security researcher James Elliott said in a Cyberwarcon talk that North Korean IT workers have already infiltrated “hundreds’ of organizations around the world
A venture capitalist, a recruiter from a big company, and a newly hired remote IT worker might not seem to have much in common, but all have been caught as imposters secretly working for the North Ko [+6735 chars]

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