Call of Duty 2024s likely teaser site sets the mood by blindfolding Mount Rushmore Eurogamer

Image for article Call of Duty 2024s likely teaser site sets the mood by blindfolding Mount Rushmore  Eurogamer
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News Summary

  • A new Call of Duty teaser site has emerged at TheTruthLies
  • com
  • Visitors are able to fiddle with some buttons on a TV set and watch a quick blast of mysterious footage
  • The footage features a group of activists scurrying through the woods at night
  • "This'll wake them up", somone says at one point, and we eventually see the results of their scheming in daylight
A new year means a new Call of Duty, meaning Activision Blizzard is going to have to get around to unveiling it at some point. Reports are suggesting that some point will almost certainly be during [+2492 chars]

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