Pornhubs Most Popular Video Game Character In 2023 Was ChunLi From... Fortnite? Kotaku | Summary

Image for article Pornhubs Most Popular Video Game Character In 2023 Was ChunLi From... Fortnite?  Kotaku | Summary

News Summary

  • This time around though, Genshin Impact slipped out of the top three and was replaced by Minecraft.Further data provided by Pornhub revealed which specific video game characters people were searching for the most in 2023..
  • Though Ryu and Chun-Li were added to Epic’s popular battle royale in 2021, it’s still kind of weird.To get this data, Pornhub says it collected searches that included a character name and a video game title..
  • In all this data, as has been the case for the last few years, is a large section dedicated to video games..
  • But weirdly, according to Pornhub’s data, most people were looking for Chun-Li from Fortnite, not Street Fighter, the series she first appeared in..
  • These yearly wrap-ups have become one of my favorite parts of December as I love looking through all the data they reveal..
  • And perhaps there’s no data more interesting than what human beings around the world are getting off on..
It shouldnt be surprising in 2023 that a lot of people watch porn involving video game characters, but exactly who tops the list and why might indeed be unexpected.Its the end of the year, which me [+2179 chars]

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